Friday, 27 December 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Hello, Hello, Hello

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and if you don't celebrate the holiday (like me) I hope you had a great day. Now that the holidays have past us and it isn't long until the new year will be thrust upon us *internally screams*. With this comes new years resolution's. Now let's be honest, do you really keep your new year resolutions's?? I know I don't but this coming year I intend to. New year's resolutions can be a very personal thing and is very dependent on the life you live, your aspirations, dreams ext. However I thought I would share some of my new year's resolutions with you. I personally love posts like this as it gives me ideas of what I would like to achieve, however sometimes I just like being nosy!

Be nice

When I discuss things that I am very passionate about I tend to get a little too excited, and sometimes don't take into account that the other person's feelings and the amount of information they know about the topic. It's always been a little bit of a problem and so this year I am willing to conquer it.

Stop obsessing over the little things 

In certain situations I can be a little bit of a perfectionist, and if something needs to be changed or fixed I tend to obsess over it until it is fixed. However sometimes there are things that you just can't control. A big one that I tend to obsess over is time, you can't control time, so if you can't control it why obsess and get upset?!

Drink more water

Sometimes I tend to drink a lot of water however other times I drink very little water. It's not very good for my health and I just would like to feel hydrated (all the time) !

Procrastinate less

The key word here is "less". I know myself well enough to know that I will always procrastinate no matter what, however I can reduce the amount of procrastinating I do. Especially for 2014 as I am entering some of the higher years in high school where your basically choosing your future WHICH IS SO INCREDIBLY SCARY. Anyway, I am usually pretty good when it comes to studying however I am aiming to better some of my grades and if that is going to happen then action needs to be put in place.


Alrighty, so those are the things I will be trying to do in the new year. It's so exciting, I mean just think in a couple of days we will be in a whole new year. It's a time to start fresh and just think a whole new year is coming! Do you have any new years resolutions? Have you kept the ones you made for 2013?

I hope you enjoy the rest of 2013 and until next year,


Thursday, 19 December 2013

Compliments Etiquette | Talk

Hello everybody!

I'm not too sure if the title makes sense so just bear with me. The other day I was talking to a lovely lady I had just met and I the following conversation inspired me to write this post. The conversation goes:

Me: How are you?

Anonymous Lady: I'm great! You?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine. You look stunning in that dress.

Anonymous Lady: Oh no I'm like the ugliest person I know.

Side note this is when things started to get a little bit awkward. 

This was how the conversation went and at this point of the conversation I didn't know what to say, I mean I just said that she was gorgeous and she denied it?!

DISCLAIMER: *The following is my personal view on this situation, if you have a different view please feel free to leave it in the comments below, but please be polite*.

When situations such as the one described above, are thrust upon me, I don't know what to do. In my mind I am just like "I JUST COMPLEMENTED YOU AND YOU ARE TURNING THAT OPPORTUNITY DOWN WHAAATT". Sorry for bringing all of that caps lock on you but when someone takes the time out to say something nice about you, embrace it. They perhaps looked at you or whatever it is and thought in their actual mind "oh gosh he/she is looking great ext." They then went to the effort to actually telling you. If you are one of those people who say things like that don't bring yourself down and don't put people like me in situations that are just so awkward!

It is just part of complimenting etiquette to perhaps just say "thank you" and perhaps say something nice about the other person. I think some people think that they are being polite by saying "oh no I am so not pretty" ext ext. It makes me really sad knowing that a such phrases are considered "normal", because it's one thing when people who hardly know you bring you down, but when you are doing it to yourself it's worse.

So do me a favour please. Next time someone complements you smile at them and say THANK YOU! Because they took the time out of their day to say that you are beautiful and lets face it, you are.

- Padfoot

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Holiday Misc Part 2

Hi everyone!

How has your day been going? Hopefully it's been going great and if not, just remember that tomorrow is a better day. In my last blog post I gave you some ideas to cure a disease we all seem to catch during the holiday time and that is boredom; so I have come up with some ideas that hopefully will help with this epidemic that occurs to people of all ages around the globe.

- Go Outside

I know this may be hard, especially as most of us are from the internet generation and would much rather spend an afternoon snuggled in bed scrolling through tumblr, but you never know you may even surprise yourself and like the outdoors. 

- Write a letter

Now when I say write a letter I don't mean an e-mail or Facebook DM. I mean get out a piece of paper and a pen and write. 2013 is slowly coming to an end and wouldn't be great to start to the new year fresh!? This means maybe addressing a disagreement you had with a friend, or maybe writing something nice to a friend you haven't seen in a while. 

- Reminiscing 2013

This kind of is a continuation of the last idea but think about what you've done in 2013. The great moments, and the not so great moments. If you are still in school maybe think about better study arrangements or if you are fine the way you are maybe strengthening friendships. Just generally thinking about how you can make 2014 an even better year than 2013. Personally in 2014 I am going to make it one of my goals to not have such a hot head, I feel like I am the type of person who doesn't realise that there are opinions other than mine and so that is something I will be working on. What about you? 

- Relaxation day

Have a day where you just run a bath and maybe do your nails and watch a movie. You could make a homemade facial mask and invite a friend over. Getting all of these things professionally done can be quite expensive so invite a friend over and have a girly evening. 

- Experiment with makeup 

Try and recreate some of your favourite artists signature looks, you never know you may even have a knack for it! 


So there you go, five things to do when you are bored, I hope that you are not as bored as you were six minutes ago and that the rest of your day is filled with lots of happiness. 


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Holiday Misc

Hello blog readers, 

If you read my last blog post then you probably understand that these summer holidays I was hoping to do more these holidays. It has now been 1-2 weeks into the holidays and I haven't been doing much. I like to call it "extreme chilling". And the funny thing about it, is that I am enjoying it a lot. I mean I have been baking cakes redecorating my room, cleaning up a little bit here and there, and just all round max relaxin'. In today's generation especially we have the severe problem of "boredom". You will always find facebook statuses about it or even seeing it fill up your twitter. I don't think people realise that there are solutions to this epidemic. Here are just a couple of suggestions however I am thinking of dedicating a full blog post about "Boredom" just because it seems to affect people everywhere no matter where you are. 

Now on with the list! 

- Try a DIY project with your sibling/s or friends

This is typically a "girly" project, however you will have a lot of fun looking for things around the house and being really creative. I suggest keeping it simple and perhaps look for some tutorials online. I made a dolls house with my little sister the other day and it was lots of fun! Watch out for future blog posts as I might upload some pictures. 

- Clean 
I know this is a little bit of a generalised statement, but during the schooling year your room or wardrobe may have gotten a little bit out of hand. This may even be getting rid of clothes you no longer need/want and getting clothes for the new season. 

- Bake/Cook something

During the schooling days I never get to cook or bake or do anything of that sort, just simply because I don't have the time. However I find that it can be really fun (except for washing up) and can be enjoyed by the whole family. You could even make little  cupcakes for friends or if they don't really like sweet things maybe something savory. Last week I made banana cake and a couple of days after a made carrot cake. We had a couple of carrots and banana's in our house and all the ingredients to make a cake and so I made a cake. However I have to say the carrot cake didn't turn out as planned. It can be as simple as searching up a recipe on the internet or even getting a recipe from your favorite cooking book. 

So here are just three ideas however I will have many more coming soon so stay tuned! 


Friday, 29 November 2013

Summer Holidays | Lifestyle

Hello everybody!

Summer holidays are finally here, HOOORRRAAAAYYY! After another grueling year of school and exams and all of that I have two whole months to do whatever I please. Now it probably is winter where you live because apart from Australia and the other islands around it, the rest of the world is enjoying crisp cold mornings and hot drinks. Not that sounds unappealing to me because personally I like winter better than summer BUT that is just my opinion. What about you? Now these summer holidays I personally do not have any plans and I always seem to find myself wasting my young years (If you get that reference then you are one cool cat), so I am asking you yes YOU for suggestions on what to do these summer holidays. I am looking for easy and affordable ideas, and I might even do a blog post about them.

So until next time,


Saturday, 2 November 2013

Favourite Music Find | Talk

Hi everybody :) 

I decided to put in a smiley face because I am feeling quite jolly today.

 So recently I have found a great band and I am not sure if you would have heard of them but they are called "London Grammar" and their music is just OHMYGOODNESSS. I quite literally cannot explain how much I love them. I found them about yesterday and I have been OBSESSED. "London Grammar" is a British based trio and their album is so good! It is called "If You Wait". No matter how many exclamation marks I put in this post it will not express how much I love their music. If you have not heard of them I would describe them as a fusion of "Florence and the machine" and "Lana Del Ray". If you click here then it will take you to their official site where you can find their social media's and all of that jazz. If you were wondering what my favourite song on their album is, it is "Hey Now" and I also quite fancy "Wasting My Young Years", however the other songs are also fantastic. I would highly recommend checking them out although I must warn you it will not be everyone's cup of tea! I know this isn't like any of my other posts but I really fell in love with this band and just thought about sharing it with all of you. 

What bands or artists have you been loving recently? 


Friday, 25 October 2013

Day In The Sun | Lifestyle

Hello there!

Today was spent in the sun. It was simply lovely to catch a few rays and enjoy the serenity around me. I also enjoyed a very delicious slushy and a couple of cupcakes! 

So this was basically my afternoon in some pictures!


Sunday, 20 October 2013

L'Oreal EverSleek Review | Beauty

Hey guys how are you doing? Hopefully your day is going great, and if not I am sure it will get better :) 
Today I will be reviewing the L'Oreal EverSleek Shampoo and Conditioner. 

I personally love this shampoo and conditioner. I have naturally frizzy hair and I am always searching for new products that claim to reduce frizziness. And I can safely say that this definitely does the job. In terms of smell I quite like it. However, I would smell it at the shops first to see if it is something you like. I first apply the shampoo in my hair whilst wet (I am usually in the shower for this part!) and then I just put a shower cap over the top for a couple of minutes to just let it do it's thanng, and then I wash it out. I then again do the same thing with conditioner. When I get out of the shower I will then apply macadamia oil (I reviewed it here) and some sort of leave in conditioner. This product is quite inexpensive, I bought both bottles for about eleven dollars each at my local drugstore/chemist. After using this product my hair is noticeably less frizzy, hooray! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who wants to reduce frizz and have their hair feeling and smelling great.  

Have you used this product and if so what do you think about it??


Sunday, 6 October 2013

Films or Movies | Talk

Hello to all of my fellow blog reading people,

I myself am a little bit of a Harry Potter fanatic (who am I kidding I LOVE Harry Potter). I just love to be engrossed in a book. To be engrossed so much that you forget about the outside world. And I am no way ashamed of the fact that I love Harry Potter, and that my life long dream is to meet J.K Rowling (or become a cat). However it does leave me with the label as a little bit of a nerd/geek. I however am totally fine with this.  

I extremely love reading books. But it's the argument of "which one is better books or movies" that kind of bugs me a little. To be perfectly honest I love both. When watching a film their are great camera angles and sets. The acting is brilliant (sometimes), and in order for the production to be of exceptional quality many people are involved. Now don't get me wrong films are great but there is just something about books that I love. 

So what are the pros about books you may ask. Well, the exhilaration of turning a page and seeing what will happen next and the touch of paper between your fingers is just heavenly. When reading a book you are allowed to let your imagination run wild which is just magnificent. As you grow older the chance to use your imagination lessens and it's quite depressing really. When reading books the moment that I love (and also hate) is turning the last page of the book. This is the finale, you have been reading all for this moment and now it is finished. You are glad that it's over, but you are also sad you never wanted it to end! 

This is when "the book hangover" comes into play. This is when you have just finished reading an exceptional book and you just can't stop thinking about it. You mope around the house thinking about "what if she didn't die" or "I wish it ended differently" but you just have to accept the fact that it is over. The heart-racing moments are finished and you slowly move on to a new book hoping it will be as great as the last one. 

So maybe next time someone says "how can you like books over films" just tell them all of these points and they might be converted. Then again everyone is different for instance some people like Lord of the Rings whilst others (like me) would much rather Harry Potter.


Friday, 4 October 2013

Macadamia Oil Review | Beauty

Hi there!

So first of all how are you all? Today I would like y'all (I just had to use that word) about a hair product that has changed the way my hair looks, feels, and smells. It is the much raved about Macadamia Oil.  

The reason why my macadamia oil is in a jar is because I dropped the original bottle and had to frantically put all of it in a sterilized jar (it was actually quite terrifying). Macadamia Oil actually looks like this (this is the bottle I originally purchased): 

Sorry for the blurred image but it was the only one I could find!

This is quite expensive I bought it for about 50-60 dollars at my local hairdressers. However in my opinion it is quite worth the money. My hair is naturally curly and with that also comes frizziness and harshness. It is quite hard to find a product that will tame my crazy curls and define my curls instead of having a layer of frizz. And I am happy to announce that this is in fact the product. It has lasted me quite a long time as I bought it about 5 months ago and still have quite a lot. 

This product really does tame your hair and after applying it I found my hair noticeably softer. I will usually apply this after showering and I also pair this with a leave in conditioner. This product smells absolutely amazing. It is spicy with hints of sweetness, it is also very musky. When applied to the hair the smell is not at all strong but very subtle.

This product is a great investment especially if you want to tame your hair :) 


Saturday, 20 July 2013

School, School and more SCHOOL

Hi guys,  

Where I live a new term has started, and after a three week holiday, I am just not in the mood ( I am still in tumblr mode). But it does give me an opportunity to talk about school a little bit more.
My face when school starts. 

The things that really stress me out is EXAMS and assignments.

School can be a stressful, embarrassing, event-full, memorable, sad, and happy place. I think that what makes school bearable is your friends.

 I also think that when I eventually leave school I will want to do nothing but go back. Because when you think about it, when you are at school you don't have to do a lot of thinking. All of your lessons are planned out, for instance in Math when you will learn Pythagoras theorem is all planned out. And the time and place for an exam is already set up for you. What you will be eating for lunch is in your bag. So school isn't that bad of a place.

Weather you do or don't go too school just enjoy what you have because if you spend the whole experience being grumpy, you will look back on it and regret it. Try to have no regrets. -ME


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Technology or Nature

Hi guys, 

Although technology is great, I think that sometimes we humans can get a little bit too much caught up in these things. We start to ignore the world around us and focus more on the little lit up screens in front of us. Now I know what your thinking "Wait who are you to be saying this, your writing a blog, that's technology". Yes I know, I too am guilty of doing this. 

The other day I went to the park with my family and we had a little picnic. As fun as it was when I went to the playground to play with my sister I was seriously astonished with the number of people that were on their phones. There were many mums and dads (dads in particular) who just got bored with their kids. Now I am no parent so I really can have no judgement on this, but I just thought of it as a little wrong. 

Sometimes if you are going to a park or beach or just simply taking a step outside to take in the fresh air. Remember that there is a whole world out there, and you never know you just might find something new or even enjoy yourself!


Saturday, 29 June 2013

Nerdiness | Lifestyle

Hi guys, 

Today was officially a lazy day. But wait I do have an excuse for my lack of proactivness!

I purchased this book 
The fault in our stars by John Green. 

Although this book has been raved about time and time again, I am going to rave about it some more. This book is what made me stay in bed and just, read. 

It is humorous yet captivating and bold. I literally could not put it down (so that must mean something, right)! 

Sometimes I think that it is just utterly wonderful to have a lazy day. Pop on your most laziest outfit, put the kettle on and just get engrossed into a good ol' book, or you could just use tumblr. With most of our lives being so busy it's important to once in a while have some down time, and to embrace that inner nerd of yours that has been hiding for some time. 


Monday, 24 June 2013


Hi guys, 

Today I thought that I would share with you my obsession with cats. 

A cheeky snap of my own cat! 

I only have one cat in my life and she is shown above!

When I see a cat my whole body just becomes all fuzzy and warm and in my head I am going "Oh my gosh so cute ohhhh I just want to pat that cat, is it okay to pat someone else's cat" ext ext. But on the outside I look like this

So there it is I have said it, I am a cat lover.


Sunday, 23 June 2013

Being "Normal"

Hi guys,

So what's the meaning of "normal" I for one don't get it. Wouldn't it be better to be "unique" rather then be "normal", however in society teenagers and other member of society try so hard to be "normal" (and yes I am a teenager!). Being normal is to be of the "standard common type". I for one want to be unique, but it's hard when every corner you turn, it is obvious of the judging eyes that inspect you with the every movement you make, the lines on our face, even the clothes you wear. We say that it is what is on the inside that counts, and yet our insecure ridden bodies tell us otherwise. 

However who am I to be telling off "society" when I am just as big the culprit as everyone else. 

I guess what I am trying to say is that the next time someone calls you names, because your not wearing the right clothes or the right make-up; just think about that sometimes it's better to be "unique" then to blend in. Even though that is what our minds tell us to do.

-Just Me,

Sarah xx